The Exile's Cookbook : Medieval Gastronomic Treasures from Al-Andalus and North Africa.

Al-Tujībī, Ibn Razīn Al-Tujībī.

The Exile's Cookbook : Medieval Gastronomic Treasures from Al-Andalus and North Africa. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (443 pages)

Intro -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Note on Transliteration -- Introduction -- The Author and His Age -- The Book -- The Cuisine -- Weights and Measures -- The Translation -- The Exile's Cookbook -- Introduction -- Section One -- 1. On breads -- 2. On tharīdas -- 3. On porridges and mashed cereal dishes -- 4. On pastries, various types of mujabbana (fried cheese buns), isfanj (doughnuts), and other similar foods -- 5. Dishes that are soaked in broth, like tharīdas, or cooked like pottage -- Section Two -- 1. On beef -- 2. On mutton -- 3. On lamb -- 4. On kid meat -- 5. On wild and game meats -- 6. On the different uses of meat from quadrupeds used for meatballs -- Section Three -- 1. On goose meat -- 2. On chicken meat -- 3. On partridge meat -- 4. On squab meat -- 5. On turtledove dishes -- 6. On starling meat -- 7. On sparrow meat -- Section Four -- 1. On making the Ṣanhājī dish -- 2. On making stuffed tripe -- 3. On making Ṣanhājī tongue -- Section Five -- 1. On types of fish -- 2. On ways of making eggs -- Section Six -- 1. On curd and what to make with it -- 2. Making curdled milk and extracting butter -- 3. On maturing dry cheese in an earthenware jar, what is made with it, and restoring butter and buttermilk -- Section Seven -- 1. On dishes made with gourd -- 2. On what is made with aubergine -- 3. On carrot dishes -- 4. On how to prepare truffles -- 5. On what to do with asparagus, for which there is only one recipe -- 6. On artichokes, which are called qannāriya -- 7. On what to do with mushrooms, for there is only one recipe -- 8. On what to do with spinach, leafy, goosefoot lettuce and other similar things -- 9. On cooking jināniyya -- 10. On taro -- Section Eight -- 1. On fresh and dried broad bean dishes -- 2. On chickpea dishes -- 3. On lentil dishes -- Section Nine -- 1. Making muʿassal and ghassānī. 2. On various kinds of sweets -- 3. Making Qāhiriyya and sanbūsak -- 4. On making jawzīnaq and lawzīnaq -- 5. On making sweet cane -- 6. Making fānīdh and ashqāqūl -- 7. Eastern recipes -- Section Ten -- 1. On making ṣināb -- 2. On preserving olives -- 3. On pickling limes -- 4. On pickling capers -- 5. On pickling aubergines, onions and turnips -- 6. Pickling fish -- 7. Making vinegars -- 8. Making macerated, cooked and other kinds of murrī -- 9. Making and restoring olive oil -- 10. On extracting oils required for certain dishes -- 11. Making qadīd (jerky) -- 12. Restoring food -- Section Eleven -- Section Twelve -- Bibliography -- Index of People and Places -- General Index.


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